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The Acoma Podcast

Aug 27, 2019

We don't always get the answers we want from God, and sometimes may feel like we don't get any answers at all. Ben & Adam discuss the ways those moments test our faith, and what our posture towards God should be in those seasons of life. 

Aug 20, 2019

Sooner or later in our lives all of us walk through seasons of deep suffering. No matter the cause of the suffering, we all need our brothers and sisters in Christ to walk through it with us. Ben & Adam talk through ways to walk with people as they go through low seasons in life.

To send more questions in to the...

Aug 13, 2019

Ben & Adam discuss right and wrong thinking and motivations in obedience. Is Christianity all about just following the rules, or is it rooted in something deeper?

Aug 6, 2019

Ben & Adam attempt to give fashion advice. The quality of the advice is questionable, but the confidence in the delivery of the advice is unquestionable.